Welcome to Modern Worship at Forest Lake UMC!
Please make yourself at home!
Grab a snack and some coffee
(coffee is in the hallway) while
we gather before worship.
Turn left in the hall to find the restrooms.
Worship will begin around 11.
As an element of worship, this morning we will wrap and donate diapers that will be distributed by the Bottoms Up Diaper Bank at FLUM and other locations around West Alabama.
Youth Fireside tonight at 5 pm
There will be a Bible study group meeting at 10:30am on Tuesday Morning
Spring Classes
New Testament Greek​ - Tuesday 1:30
Parables - Tuesday 6:30 on Zoom
Artificial Intelligence 101 - Wednesday 9:00 on Zoom
- ​​W​ednesday Nights - 6:00
Gospel of Mark
Spiritual Fitness for Women
Midweek Meals Wednesdays at 5pm​
Scout Troop 316 will meet Monday night at 6:30pm
The Sunday Morning Worship Schedule is as follows
Sunday School: 9:45​
Fellowship Time: 10:30
Worship 11:00
First Time Here?
Thank you for being here!
We would love to connect with you in the days ahead!
If your are comfortable and willing for us to reach out to say thank you for joining us for worship, please provide your contact information in this form.
We won't add you to an email list without you asking to be added. If you provide us your contact information you will only be contacted one on one by the pastoral staff.
Prayer Requests
Please feel free to request for your submission to remain private or offer more specific instructions.