They are simple phrases. They sound Christian – like something you might even find in the Bible:
Everything happens for a reason
God helps those who help themselves
God won’t give you more than you can handle
Love the sinner, hate the sin
God said it, I believe it, that settles it
We’ve all heard these words. Maybe we’ve said them. They capture some element of truth – yet they also miss the point in very important ways. This five week sermon series breaks down these half-truths.
4/14/24 - Everything happens for a reason
4/21/24 - God helps those who help themselves
5/4/24 - God won’t give you more than you can handle
5/11/24 - Love the sinner, hate the sin
5/18/24 - God said it, I believe it, that settles it
We hope to see you there!
At Forest Lake UMC,
We welcome and affirm all people, especially those who may not believe our story,
We honor scripture through honest, critical study of the Bible,
We side with the under-resourced, the oppressed, and the left out,
We stand for justice, even when it’s unpopular.
We work within our local community to show the love of God through acts of service and social justice.
We would love the opportunity to offer community, acceptance, affirmation, love, and a safe space for you!
Ask for more information.
Have any questions about the stuff mentioned above, or about Forest Lake and her ministries and missions? Reach out to us and we will get back to you with more information.